Just when we thought all was going our way disaster struck. We now have the sails on and the hull cleaned and looking prety good. I tried the electronics and all was well until I tried the auto pilot. We have an old (25years) WP5000 NAvico Wheel Pilot that has given sterling service but today I switched it on and NOTHING! Having tested all the wiring and power supply its DEAD as a DODO. I phoned a number of companies that repair them and was told, Sorry Mate its Bu*&^@#d but we can sell you a nice new one for £1200. Well money does'nt grow on trees for us so no pilot for now. Then we had some good news a friend in England found a company that thinks they can repair it and Jackie a French friend here has a mate who thinks he can repair it. So looking on the bright side we might get it repaired for alot less than £1200. It looks like we are going to be a bit lonley after the 10th May as 2 of our friends are taking their boats to holland to live as they want a change. Ah well I suppose we will see more come here as the price in England is now so expensive. We had a bit of luck yeaturday. I have been wanting to get rid of the big heavy chair in the pilot house ( you can just make it out in this pic) as it nearly breaks my back every time I have to move it. I looked on the net for a light weight chair high enough for Sal to be able to steer the boat and see over the instruments. They were about £200 but on one of the pages we saw an advert for IKEA so had a look. YEP we found just the thing for €30 so went to IKEA at Brest got the chair and had a lovely lunch (€12) for the 2 of us so a good day. Well thats the little moan for today. Will keep you informed on the pilot issue. Fingers crossed and good sailing. Enjoy the sunshine.
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