Well it had to happen we said good by to three lots of friends and Ilsham our old gaffer on Tuesday. Clive and Jen on Veronica an old scottish fishing boat, Claude and Sue (Sal's cousin) on Pet a 106 year old lugger and Dutch and Brenda on Ilsham our old 6 ton Falmouth Pilot. They all left together for the festival at Binic a three day event for old rigged boats.Clive and Jen had been here for about 3 years and we looked after Veronica for them. Claude and Sue on Pet had been here for a year and we looked after her. Dutch and Brenda on Ilsham had been here for 5 years as they bought her from us when we bought Feels Good in the med in 2005 and yes we looked after her as well. with three boats and ours to look after we were keept busy but it was a real pleasure as they are all good old wooden boats. Getting them all ready for the off was a bit of a squeeze as Clive was roped in to help Claude and Dutch with fixing their wind Pilots on and checking them. But he performed the tasks with his usual sense of humour and a few cups of coffee. Brenda in the Pic was off to do all the laundry and by the size of the sack I mean ALL the laundry. So with all the work done and all the boats ready we saw them out the locks in Morlaix for the last time and I must admit we had a few tears as they are all such good friends and of course to see Ilsham go was heart breaking as we have had so many adventures in her it would take a book to tell them all.
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