No you never know who you will see when you are cruising.
We were calling Rota Marina on the VHF when suddenly we heard a yacht calling us. It was the yacht KIT KAT with Debby and Sean on board. We first met them when they were in Morlaix getting ready to go to the med. We had a lovely 2 weeks helping them get the boat ready and were sad to see them leave saying we might meet up one day. They were in another port 15 miles away and brought their boat over to spend a couple of days with us. When they left us in morlaix they asked what they could do to repay us for all the help and our reply was our usual one." If you find yourselves in the position to help anyone please do so and dont think of the cost it will always come back to you somehow. We have since heard of at least 5 or 6 people who they have helped and one family they fed for a week as the man from another boat was in hospital and his 2 kids and his wife were struggling. Sal taught Debby to use a pressure cooker and the last e-mail we had was that Debby had cooked a whole packet of pasta in it and they were eating pasta cake for a month. Ah well such is life.
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