One of the places we decided to visit on our way home was called the Mar menor. Its a great big area of sea encapsulated by a long sand spar with high rise buildings all along its shore the entrance is described in the pilot book as simple with deep water and a bridge (yeah right) the entrance is marked with a south cardinal bouy which would look good in a kiddies bath. we found this and entered the deep channel 1.85metres we draw 1.8metres once we had passed the bridge which opens every hour after 08:00 till 20:00hrs we found our selves in a lovely quiet marina but quite expensive (€25 per night)
we only stayed the one night and then set off heading for Gib. This time in a 3 metre swell,fog and no wind rounding Cabo de Palos within 15 metres and passing 6 yachts that we only saw on the radar.
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