We decided that as the weather forecast for the next 5 days was NW 5-6 we would head for Concarneau in France. We left early in the morning from La Coruna with grey skies and a force 4 NW so all up and off we go. we were just out of the ria when the weather decided to give us a little more to do. It went from 5-6 to 9 with gusts to 10 and we were to find out how well our Colvic Watson was built. Where do we go? We were fighting seas higher than we were long so looking on the charts we decided that the safest place to head for was an anchorage called Cedeira. As we approached we were in company of another yacht. As we both surfed in at 11 knots with nothing up bare sticks and the engine ticking over at 500 rpm we rounded a corner and came to a dead stop in calm water in one of the prettiest anchorages we have seen. Sal cooked a lovely meal we opened a bottle of the old spanish plonk and spent a very quiet night snoring away.
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