After spending Xmas in Guernsey with Sall's family we got back to Morlaix to find that Colin & Silvia had left their boat here. In January Sally decided that I should retire after the spring as it was now 14 years since I had my heart operation and I was getting tired quicker. So I agreed to retire after I had finished the work I had on the books. Its now the middle of March and I have just finished the work. Since January I have designed 1 yacht for ocean sailing, 3 junk rigs,1 for a friend in california and 2 for friends in New Zeland. Our friend Claude is here and we have been helping him with Pet his 106 year old pilchard driver. Now we are just waiting for the warmer weather so we can get on with the usual spring jobs on Chunky (Feels Good).
This year we will be saying good buy to Brenda & Laurens who bought our old yacht (Ilsham a 6 ton Falmouth Pilot), Clive and Jenny on their boat Veronica a 1932 Scotish fishing boat and Claude with Pet. Laurens,Brenda,Clive & Jenny are heading of to Holland and are going to keep their boats in Den Helder so will be seeing a different way of life. Claude wants to head South. So this year we will be staying on the North Brittany coast and around the Channel Islands. I will try to get some half way decent photos for the blog but be patient with me as I am not too good on the camera or the laptop.
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